Nick Rider
Nick Rider - TranslatorNick Rider's Blog


I have extensive experience of every area of editing, from correcting or rewriting copy to overall project management. I was editor of the Time Out Barcelona Guide from its beginnings as a one-off magazine for the 1992 Olympics through four book-form editions to the point where it was the top-selling, benchmark Barcelona city guide, and similarly created the Time Out Madrid Guide and oversaw its first four editions. On both guides I was responsible for deciding on content and aspects of format and layout, finding and commissioning writers, ongoing coordination, commissioning photography and images, hands-on copy and picture editing and proposing cover images, and I also wrote substantial sections of both books myself.

I'm also very used to adapting to the styles and formats of different publishers, and have worked as both a consultant and a more general editor for major travel publishers such as Dorling Kindersley, Insight Guides and Michelin Guides. References can be provided if required.